Using Detailing Supplies for Your Car's Interior

While stopping in at one of the many Rocky Mountain Car Wash locations, you may have noticed that we sell a variety of detailing products for use in getting not just the exterior of your car cleaned, but the interior of your vehicle as well. If you’ve ever wondered what use you’d have for so many different types of cleaning products, or how to clean specific messes in your car’s interior, this is the post for you!

Armor All Cleaning and Protectant Sponges

Armor All is a customer favorite, and their products work very well to clean the interior of your vehicle. There are two varieties of sponges that we carry, and both can be useful depending on your level of need. 

The Armor All sponges are great for the glossy parts of your interior. Door handles, consoles, the back of your seat, and your dashboard are perfect places to use the little pre-moistened sponge packs. Use the Cleaning sponges to wipe up anything that is stuck on or stained, and follow up with the Original Protectant sponges in order to give those interior places back their glossy shine.


Inside Windshields

The outside of your windshield will come clean when you wash your vehicle, but have you ever noticed a slight film on the inside of your car’s windows too? Most of the time spent in our vehicles is spent with the windows up while it is cold outside or when driving on the highway. Everything we do inside the car, from breathing, to sneezing, to coughing, to even letting in the outside air through the heat or air conditioner brings in contaminants that leave a filmy residue on the inside of the car.

We offer several solutions to cleaning your windshield, including  several styles of scented and unscented disposable windshield wipes for windshields that may only be a little bit dirty. For more extensive cleaning, consider picking up a can of Sprayway Glass Cleaner and a reusable microfiber rag. 


Little Trees Scents

For a final touch, consider picking up a scented tree or two and make your car smell great for weeks on end. Did you know each branch on the tree can be exposed bit by bit instead of taking it out of the packaging all at once, giving you a much longer-lasting scent?! Try mixing and matching scents like strawberry and peach or coconut and cherry for luscious smells as unique as you are.
